In the history of the development of psychology to become a scientific study, the psychology laboratory has a crucial role in producing scientifically-proven theories which later translated into several different applied subjects. Furthermore, as the number of subjects in psychology continues to expand, the presence of psychology laboratory become critical, as the laboratory plays a role as a medium to learn, study and develop the knowledge that might benefit the human civilization.
The role of the psychology laboratory in the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is as a facility which supports the implementation of curriculum related to various disciplines such as Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Educational Psychology, and Developmental Psychology. As a Higher Education Institution, the Psychology Laboratory of UMM also actualizes the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) which consists of 1) Education, 2) Research and 3) Community Services.
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